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Sunday, March 30, 2014

2014...a new year...a new destination...

The snow is finally beginning to thaw and I can see signs of spring finally arriving (although it's still not as warm as I would like for training rides). With the warm weather, the Cheung Family, also begins what we have now done for the past 3 years, which is to support the Wellspring Cancer Support Centres in the greater Toronto area. 

The goal is another round of successful fundraising activities culminating in a symbolic long distance cycling event in the Fall. The destination for the group this year:  New Orleans!

There will be lots more opportunity to blog about the cycling journey; this posting will highlight TWO fantastic events my family has in store for our supporters. Let us know if you can join us for one or both of the following events!  

Used Book Sale!  Saturday, April 5th / 6th

Mya, now 11 years old, decided that she wanted to plan a fundraising event this year. Over the past few months, she has amassed a GIANT collection of used books for ALL AGES - and is holding the sale on April 5th and 6th this coming weekend. ANYONE interested in reading needs to drop by! Contact me for specific details.

(bags will be provided)

Wine & Wellspring Event!   Saturday, June 14th

Building on the success of this event last year, we are doing it again. And this time, it will be bigger and even better! Mark your calendars for Saturday, June 14th, 2014:


Your cost will include: Hand selected gourmet cheeses, mouth watering sweets & savory bites all paired beautifully with several bottles of fine wines.

You will have the opportunity to purchase raffle tickets, $20 per ticket for the chance to win your choice of several wine bundles or increase your chances by purchasing SIX tickets for $100 or TWENTY tickets for $250.

All bundles will include a minimum of SIX bottles of wine.

All bundles will be displayed. You will have the opportunity to “choose” which bundle you would like to win.

A selected number of bundles will be designated as “MUST BE PRESENT” to win.

WHEN: Saturday June 14, 2014
WHERE: Chateau du Cheung

What you must do:

You must deliver your favorite wine prior to the event day! Arrangements can be made for pick up.

Come & enjoy an evening of wine, food and great company while supporting the 2014 Wellspring Peloton Challenge!