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Please Support the Ride: Click HERE

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


This is Kim. She is our Warrior and special guest as part of the Cancervive program. A Cancervive Warrior is someone who has fought or is fighting the battle against cancer. Kim will be flying to Austin to participate in the weekend's events and celebrate Survivorship. Our team will arrive in time to unite with Kim and other Warriors, along with thousands of other participants from around the world participating in the LIVESTRONG event.

THIS IS WHAT THIS RIDE IS ALL ABOUT...take a look at an article that Kim wrote for the Toronto Star regarding how Wellspring support programs have helped her in the battle:
"I took charge, but the support got me through"

Monday, September 26, 2011

WOW...I'm so inspired!

The IronDames invited our team to a send off ride and BBQ yesterday. Not only did we have an awesome ride in fantastic weather...we also had the opportunity to meet some of the most inspiring and amazing people. If you don't know who they are...check out them out here:

And check out the cake!

- billy

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Night Training Ride

Our team had a chance to test out our night riding skills as well as cold weather gear this past weekend. We set out at 4am for an 85km adventure at zero degree temps.

As you can see from these was pretty dark. As crazy as it may sound, I found the ride very enjoyable. We had the entire road to ourselves and the only sound was that of our bikes.

It was great to ride along with the sunrise...

And here is our team supporting the Wellspring Centres in the GTA - we leave for Calgary in less than 2 weeks!

From left to right - myself, Tom, John P, Mike, Cynthia, and Keith (not in photo - John M).

- billy

Sunday, September 4, 2011

100km training ride without my road bike

Tried something different today for my long ride - left my road bike at home and dusted off my 17 year old mountain bike. Based on how slow it was on hills, I'm pretty sure it weighs 2x my regular ride. Regardless - I'm thinking my 100k ride on this thing counts as a double workout! Here's the GPS tracking and a couple of photos at the 50k point:

Oh yes, the stain on my jersey and that bandaid is from a wipeout at 20k on a wet bridge; what you don't see is the road rash and bruise on my left hip that I'm sure I will feel for the next week!)
