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Monday, October 3, 2016

Day 7: Miami South Beach Finish Line

On the previous day, all the teams congregated at West Palm Beach, so that we can ride in together as a full group to the finish this morning. The route was a scenic 116kms on the A1A highway, along the coast with the ocean beside us most of the way, passing through busy Fort Lauderdale, to our Miami South Beach destination:

The following link is the actual ReLive video of our journey:

We cycled as a team of 28 riders, all with a personal connection to the cause and cancer. Some of our riders this year are cancer survivors....some have a loved one who is currently battling or battled the disease....and some have a loved one who did not win.

We all participated in this event as an opportunity to give an organization that helps people and their families through the challenging times of fighting cancer.

Though this event, I have once again had the opportunity to meet some incredible people and made new friends for life. The final ride in, as a group, is symbolic to everyone working together....and incredibly emotional for all involved. Many tears of happiness and accomplishment were seen throughout the route and at the finish...

My good friend Troy....whom I likely would not have met if it wasn't for this event. He captained team 3:

We did encounter many obstacles along the way.....this one only required some waiting (in the 45C temps) for the drawbridge to go back down:

Jen and Barb looking at the big storm in the distance....luckily we did not get hit with it today:

If you look closely....we were sweating but still smiling, without even having to move, from the intense Miami Heat!

Cycling through the city. Almost there!

I posted a photo of my bike's clean drivetrain before the start of the ride. It's no longer clean....after 7 days, 750kms, 28 hours in the bike saddle, and almost 18,000 calories burned....this is now what it looks like:

Our very good friends from Texas, Heber and Beth, who have supported incredibly, and who have been at the finish line for the past 6 years:

My awesome wife Gail, my best friend and my best supporter for all the crazy things I continue to happy to see her....she's always at the finish:

The terrace reception for all the riders, volunteers, Warriors, family, and friends:

Of course our inspiring Wellspring Warrior, Elsie, with our team:

And what's a ride from Toronto to Miami without a dip into the ocean to make it official? One of my favourite team photos....

That's it! Another incredibly awesome year with the Wellspring ride. The event has raised over $575,000 so far this year....and over $2M for the charity since we embarked on this challenge in 2011. Pretty good for something that did not exist before. It's a unique destination event, a 24/7 cycling relay unlike any other. If you're interested in doing something amazingly positive for a worthy cause, meeting great people, and challenging yourself....consider signing up for 2017. We will be going back to Miami again...and happy to have all who want to be involved.

Thank you once again for everyone's support and generosity for making this event another success!


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Day 6: An extra 86kms....

The logistics of a 24/7 relay ride with 5 teams and 6 hour shifts means that we do not ride on day 6. Finishing at midnight...we essentially have the next 24 hours off. Terry on my team suggested that he would be interested in connecting with one of the other teams who are riding during this time if it was possible. Well....that suggestion transformed our 'rest' day to an 'extra ride' day.

We did a very quick stop at the Kennedy Space Centre since we were passing by.....

....grabbed a quick lunch....and then hunted down the team 4 to 5 transition location just north of Jensen Beach. Here's the route...another 86kms...and Terry, Ryan, and myself joined up with team 5 for a great ride. It was windy...and we had some rain as having additional riders in the group was helpful in sharing the work to complete this leg.

Eric on my team also wanted to join for the extra ride....but had some calls that he had to take which conflicted. You can see he wasn't too pleased in missing out:

Larger group dedication to start this ride:

That's more ride remaining the next day...and we are at the finish line!

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