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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Night Training Ride

Our team had a chance to test out our night riding skills as well as cold weather gear this past weekend. We set out at 4am for an 85km adventure at zero degree temps.

As you can see from these was pretty dark. As crazy as it may sound, I found the ride very enjoyable. We had the entire road to ourselves and the only sound was that of our bikes.

It was great to ride along with the sunrise...

And here is our team supporting the Wellspring Centres in the GTA - we leave for Calgary in less than 2 weeks!

From left to right - myself, Tom, John P, Mike, Cynthia, and Keith (not in photo - John M).

- billy


  1. I wish you the best adventures and safe ride I'll be rooting for ya thank you for helping such a great cause.

    Keith hughes

  2. You guys are all so awesome. Can't wait to see the photos and read the updates from the actual bike event.
    Gloria Fernandes
