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Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Day 3: It's just part of the adventure

It continues to amaze me on how fast and far we progress each day moving south towards our destination. Our last ride was in the frigid cold with frost on the parked vehicles we passed. Today we rode from 6am to noon and the temperature went from 12 to 19 degrees Celsius during this time. Here was our route - 115kms....Aldie VA to Orange VA....a bit west of Washington DC:

The ride started in the dark with our transition point next to the Aldie volunteer fire department. They came out to see if we needed assistance :)

Our challenge for the day was the need to navigate a route with a lot of traffic in parts, along with transport trucks, and fast moving vehicles. It's so important that we have our follow vehicle with clear markings and emergency lighting to signal that there is a group of cyclists ahead....they really helped to keep us as safe as possible.

And yes there was also a lot of pulling over and waiting to allow traffic to pass on many occasions.

We also had to suddenly stop the team while riding due to an emergency vehicle needing to pass...a couple of bikes 'made contact'....and this was the result:

That thing hanging is the rear derailleur of Ryan's's supposed to be attached to the bike. He had to miss the last 20k of our shift and we needed to drop into a bike shop for a repair. All is good now....and we were lucky the contact didn't result in anything worse.

The ride was a bit stressful and had our heart rates up a bit more than usual. Decided that we now have a new team name...and took a new team photo:

Here is a link to a short video clip of our ride:

We are now in Laurinburg, North Carolina resting for the night. Our next shift is from noon to 6pm tomorrow (Tuesday) starting somewhere west of us. We will likely need to contend with heat, humidity, and possibly rain. Ready to take it on as our commitment to Wellspring and this event. Miami here we come!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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